Hey Brother!

June 02, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

So I hear this song - "Hey Brother," all the time. And every time that I do, it makes me think of my brother. Ahhh...my brother. I believe I am quite lucky to have as many memories of him as I do. Memories like

  1. The time I feel off my bike when I was maybe 7 or 8 or 9, and I couldn't help it, the words just slipped right out of my mouth - Bleep Bleep It. Before I could dust myself off he was making a bee line for my mom and dad to tell on me. Boy was I glad I didn't get in trouble. 
  2. Or the time we got off the school bus at the wicked cool house we lived in before our parents built the house we spent majority of our lives in. So, we got off the bus and there in the driveway was none other than Mr. Copperhead. My brother froze, the snake froze and I screamed like a crazy girl. I'm not sure if they both froze because of me screaming or if it was just some weird stare down. I tried to get Gregory to run with me but his feet were literally glued to the driveway and he wasn't moving. Eventually (more like Flash speed) my mom made it out there with a garden hoe and the snake ended up in many pieces around the yard.
  3. Then there was the time (same house - that my parents rented by the way) we decided it would be ok and fun to have batting practice with rocks and the windows of the garage. Needless to say it wasn't pretty when my parents finally discovered every window on that side of the garage was broken. 
  4. As we grew older crazy things kept happening. I don't know how many memories we have at Nags Head, but one of my favorites would have to be the night we stayed up telling ghost stories. For some reason we had left the sliding door open about a crack and before we knew it we were all too scared to get up from the table only a foot away to close the door. He started throwing shoes at it to try to close it, and even though we all knew it wouldn't work, we were secretly hoping for a miracle. 
  5. Goodness knows there are many hundreds, maybe thousands more...
  6. And now he's grown up and so am I. We both have lives and families of our own. We may not see each other as often, or make as many memories together but I wouldn't trade the memories I have with him for anything. 

Now I am thankful for the memories I am able to capture for him and his family. Here are the photos from their most recent family photo session. I can't believe how fast my niece Laurel is growing up!



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